blouse chocoball cosplay glasses pantyhose read_or_die sheer_legwear skirt tie vest yomiko_readman

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over 13 years ago

I want to ask from where you guys gets chocoball pictures? I love her cosplay. Can I find here pictures in even larger resolutions? I will be very happy if i can :). Btw. your doing a great work! Sorry for my bad english.

over 13 years ago

Various sources from the web, odds are there are no higher resolutions available in most cases.

over 13 years ago

c0rtana said:
Well, you can always find a way to get her CDROMs...

over 13 years ago

Thanks, but I can't buy her cd, i don't known japanese, and i was thinking that she doing this for fun, not money. Anyway i counting on you guys, that you will be adding her photos when they are available. One more time sorry for my awful english.

over 13 years ago

Your english isn't that bad don't worry about it.

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