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over 13 years ago

First upload, testing the water here.
Question: Is there any requirement for indicating the original source of the image? I found this one here

which is obviously not the original source. Is it OK to post?
Some of the shots has the name of the photographer (bixtuke) on it. Are those allowed?

over 13 years ago

Original source is best left to the photographer who took the image. watermarked images are fine we have a ton from mpzero. If you can find the originals on bixtuke's blog and post from there even better because we know those weren't recompressed. Just beware that bixtuke has ...figured out photoshop filters to put it elegantly.

over 13 years ago

Oh yeah, these are seriously compressed...
But I only found 3 from bixtuke's blog. Oh well. Now this is a dupe and should be deleted.

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