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over 11 years ago

These are Miiko not Juri Urara. Also, big question on romanization.. Usually じゅ is romanized by foreigners as Ju (Hepburn romanization), but often romanized by the Japanese as Jyu or even Zyu (Nihon-shiki romanization), likewise し is usually romanized as Shi outside Japan but the Japanese often romanize it as Si. So my question is, should we be standardizing these or are we keeping it how the cosplayers themselves romanize it? I ask just because right now it seems quite inconsistent

over 11 years ago

Models get say on their own names minus a couple combinations that are fairly commonly get romanized in a particular incorrect way that elude me at the moment, duki/zuki is one.

over 11 years ago

Alright thanks, and the du thing bugs me too but it is how you type づ on a keyboard, to differentiate it from ず even though they're both pronounced zu (sorry if you knew that :p)

over 11 years ago

Are you using the windows regional keyboard program for the typing?

I'm so sorry for my hiatus, my computer was in the repair for two weeks. I could not access this site from work (work is for work) or the public (they blocked this site).

over 11 years ago

The Language Bar

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