Just an update.

Didn't include this site just yet because I ran into another issue --- not sure what's causing it yet. Every other query results in a '502 - Bad Proxy', but I can't duplicate the issue from my browser... So, I'll just work it in to my next update. (Which will have a bit of a buffer of images instead of 1 by 1)

Anybooru Slideshow (Windows Sidebar Gadget)

Site Page: (Which I desperately need to update)

Direct Download:

-Defaults to Danbooru
-Queries 'animal_ears'
-Safe search on by default (program side instead of query side, otherwise it would waste a valuable tag in Danbooru's 2 tag limit for normal members)
-Options are saved as long as you don't remove the gadget. (Each instance of a gadget has its own settings)
-Clicking on the displayed image opens a flyout of the past 5 images; clicking on an image on the flyout opens the /show/ page.
-Shouldn't freeze (I've added in a few try/catches at the most problematic sections) but if it does simply kill the gadget itself and start it back up.
-For anyone weary of running the gadget, feel free to check out the code yourself. Gadgets are simply renamed zip files --- the contents of which are html and javascript.

Anyway, thanks again for the help!